I got a text message from Carol Gulley at Bejosh Farm this afternoon telling me that the mother of Maria the calf had another calf, Maria’s twin. The Gulleys decided to name it Jon. I thought Carol was kidding me, she likes to do that. And Maria the calf is coming to spend the summer at Bedlam Farm.
But Carol was not kidding. Carol says she knows of a farmer that would want Jon, and I thought, whew, there’s no chance of him coming here with Maria for the summer.
No so, said Carol, they probably don’t need him until the Fall or when he’s older. We are going to meet Jon tomorrow. I don’t think we need another calf here this summer. On the other hand, he would keep Maria (the calf) company and they both would be leaving in the Fall.
Kind of exciting, but also scary.
We are both very clear on the cows leaving in the Fall, we are not looking for more animals here, but my wife can attach to animals pretty powerfully. So do my readers. So, for that matter, can I. Better not to get them them if it’s hard to let them go. And I know I can let them go. We’ll go see Jon tomorrow. I never imagined having a cow named after me, I am humbled and honored. I think. Maybe it’s because I am bull-headed like Ed.
Ed Gulley has a wicked sense of humor. So does Carol.
Might be an interesting summer. The purple Guinea Hens are coming in May.