Celeste Dowd O’Malley owns the Handsome Hound Pet and grooming center in Bennington, Vt. I get all the dog and cat food I use for Red and Fate there, and she also sells healthy holistic treats and biscuits. There are usually some great dogs there hanging around, waiting to be boarded or groomed. (Celeste does some doggie day care as well.) Today, a newcomer to Celeste’s loving crew of Bernese Mountain Dogs.
His name is Raphael and he is just twelve weeks old. I had to take a photo of that face. Celeste is a through-and-through animal lover, she is also one of the nicest and warmest people I come across. It is fund to go and see her, her love of animals and people shine. Raphael is a lucky dog, she said she had a challenging year, he has brought a lot of sunshine and light. At that age, Fate was about as large as his nose.