14 January

Video: How My Border Collies Unwind

by Jon Katz
How border collies unwind
How border collies unwind

I have two border collies, as most of you known, both are from the wonderful farm of my friend Dr. Karen Thompson, both are amazingly healthy, intelligent and energetic dogs. I am grateful to Karen for trusting me with them, and resolved to give everything I can to them that they need and deserve.

Come and see.

Most days, the dogs work with sheep in the morning, the early afternoon, and if the weather is good, in the evening (not so much in the dark days). We go for a good walk in the woods each morning, sometimes in the afternoon as well. I find that my dogs have an enormous amount of stored energy.

When people tell you border collies are not for everyone, believe them. They are not. Thank God we have sheep and mountain trails. Border collie people are always looking for ways to help their dogs discharge their excess energy and slow down. I have found a good new way for me. Twice a day I take them out to the side pasture, and I have Red do his outruns. Fate loves to brace him, run the opposite way, and sometimes run alongside of him. Both dogs seem to love this dearly, and it is a safe and healthy way to calm them when necessary. Which is often.

We just went outside to do this, and I shot a video of it for you to see. This practice gives me great pleasure to watch, it is a joy to see these dogs run wide open, keep in shape, brace off of one another and use their bodies in the way nature meant them to do.  They look forward to it, they love to run and run.

Like everything else with border collies, their energy needs to be respected and controlled. Afterwards an hour or two of quiet, in the crate or my study or Maria’s studio. The one thing border collies are not smart enough to figure out how to do by themselves is nothing.

Both dogs are strong and fit, and they are able to move around the sheep easily and with confidence and speed.


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