We spent some beautiful time out in the outer pasture with the donkeys and dogs and sheep. I was training Fate to do her increasingly joyous outruns – this, I think, she has learned from Red. We worked on “come bye” today, I am helping her to do wider and wider outruns, she is responding beautifully. Maria was working with Lulu and Fanny on halter training, we realized we haven’t done much of it, we really want to be able to control them at times, and not have to trick or coax them. I even used a high voice, or tried. Also took a video.
We just have never needed to move them around much before, and they are both sweet and accommodating when they feel like it, which is most of the time. With donkeys, everything has to be their idea. The animals all responded well to their training, we want to do it daily,especially in weather like this. Come and see.