Sometimes I think Fate is not really a dog at all, but a cross between a wild border collie and a fox. She is a fishing dog, it turns out, for the second or third time, she has put her nose in a lake and come up with a small fish. She seems a bit puzzled by the fish when it is in her mouth, she drops it right back into the water where it swims off, stunned and relieved. I can only imagine that the fish tells his wife and kids.
I am sure there are other dogs who catch fish, but I have never seen one, certainly never owned one. The first time I saw this was at Pompanuck Farm, where she popped her head in the water and came up with a small Koi, then dropped it back in the water. Scott Carrino says he is certain he saw her catch it, but honestly, I was dubious. Not any more. Fate will herd almost anything, perhaps she is trying to herd fish now.
Fortunately, she doesn’t care to eat them, at least so far. I wonder if her mom wasn’t some kind of ferret.