22 December

Reggie The Woodpecker: New Muse

by Jon Katz
Reggie The Woodpecker
Reggie The Woodpecker

I have a new muse, a woodpecker, I call him Reggie (I’m not calling him Woody), he showed up yesterday and has been loving the suet cake we put out next to the feeder. He seems to enjoy the company of some chickadees, but Reggie has been the most faithful visitor to my feeder.

One of the many things I love about living in rural America is that I keep getting closer to nature all of the time and in many different ways. The deep woods, the pony, the donkeys and sheep, the barn cats, now I’ll get to know birds a little better. Reggie is a sport, I’m appointing him my deputy muse, I don’t know how reliable he will be or even how inspiring. It is pouring rain today, and I think he likes being under the eave of the feeder, he is residing in the big maple tree to the right of the feeder and comes swooping down from time to time. I have a lot of s tone muses, statues and heads and things, this is the first living one. We’ll see how it turns out.

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