Buford is to be put down today, the vets say he is too frail to survive another winter, he is unable to put on weight or build up any protection from the cold. I first saw Buford (I got the names switched yesterday, some of the photos were of Chnya, who is also very ill.) The workers and volunteers came up to Buford all day yesterday, giving him treats, hugs, kisses.
I first met Buford last year, he was deeply attached to Izora, the two were inseparable, you never saw one without the other. Izora died earlier this year. Blue Star is a rescue farm and sanctuary for work horses, some of them are very old and have been in Blue Star’s care for a long time. The people who work at Blue Star know death and loss.
Buford had great character in his face, I think I felt closer to him than any of the other horses there. It wasn’t that I knew him well, he just touched me, he had great character in his face. I hope is going on to a warm meadow with green grass stretching to the skyline. He was much loved. Today I am thinking of him and the people at Blue Star.