The spirit of Blue Star – heightened at Christmas, I think – rests in the joy and love the people and animals there have for one another. The people do their usual people stuff, but everyone loves the horses in a deep and passionate way and is committed to caring for them in the best way.
I walked out into the pasture to spend some time alone with the horses and Deb Janik-O’Brien, who has worked with Blue Star and the horses for years, came out to see Merlin and Foxy. The two horses – they could have knocked either of us over with their noses or tails, were so happy to see Deb, to see if she had treats, to nuzzle her and put their huge heads on her shoulders, to stand while she touched and petted and loved them. A beautiful thing to see and feel, these gorgeous animals have been working with people for thousands of years, it is in their blood and their genes. In their hearts also, I think.