I don’t have a new book out this year, the first time in nearly 30 years (“Talking To Animals” will be out next year around this time, I believe) but Connie Brooks of Battenkill Books reminded me that I have a whole bunch of books for sale during the holiday season, and I will sign and personalize every one of them that is purchased from Battenkill Books, my independent local bookstore, and a wonderful place.
You can order any of my books there – ” A Dog Year,” the book they made the movie from, “Rose In A Storm,” my novel about a border collie abandoned on a farm during an awful blizzard; “The Dogs Of Bedlam Farm,” an account of my early life on Bedlam Farm with Rose, “The Second Chance Dog,” the story of how me, Frieda and Maria came together, and “Saving Simon,” the story of my wonderful donkey Simon, he died last October.
I will sign and personalize any book you purchase from Battenkill Books. Their number is 518 677 2125. Connie takes all major credit cards ( you can order online or on the phone) and the store accepts Paypal.
Battenkill Books is more than holding its own, but independent bookstores can always use help and support. Everyone who deals with them is loyal and happy, they are rare in our world. It is important that local bookstores survive, and it’s good for writers too. There is plenty of time to get your books for the holidays and I will be happy to go into the store and sign them promptly. Connie and I have sold a lot of books together, they will take great care of you.
So just a thought, if you want any of my books signed or personalized either for you or as holiday gifts. And thanks for thinking of it. To me, this is a vote for writing, for books, for the very idea of independence and individuality. Connie is the best.