2 December

Lunging With A Pony

by Jon Katz

In the sun, in the wind. Maria goes lunging with her much-loved pony Chloe. She puts a long lead on her and exercises her, also trains her, also connects with her as the pony walks, trots, runs in a wide circle in an open field on a beautiful Fall day, the falling sun setting deep shadows. Something about this is stirring, timeless, affirming.

This is one of the ways in which we talk to animals, listen to them, communicate with them. Chloe and Maria have forged a deep connection. They are each learning about the other, the pony calls to Maria to be strong, to be clear to be patient. Just a short while ago, Maria did not ever see herself as a person with a horse. Now the horse is close to the center of her emotional life, helping her in ways even the people who were charged with this work failed to do.

Chloe is a part of her family now, the offers love that is quite pure, she re-kindles the ancient connection between people and animals. What does it tell us, that this artist, once a lonely and fearful child, is so sure about this large and headstrong animal. Like Maria, Chloe has her own sense of self, she obeys when she feels like it, struggles and challenges when she doesn’t. These two are working something out in their daily lunges.

Somehow, it is always touching to see.

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