We had a beautiful Thanksgiving Day, quite, peaceful, beautiful. A great beginning to our efforts to re-think the holidays and create new traditions. We had dinner at a friend’s house and met some new friends we liked very much. In the morning, we spent some time with the animals and made it a point to thank them for loving us, living with us, and helping us to shape our lives in so many different ways.
The Bedlam Farm idea is about many things, animals are just one part, but they are a thread that runs through much or most of what we do, from work to love to connection and self-awareness, and our wishes for a spiritual life. Minnie and Maria loved one another very much, Maria came with me the night we picked Minnie up in small farmhouse in 2006, shortly after we met for the first time. She was a feral kitten, shy and fearful, traits she still possesses to some degree.
No one who has ever come to an Open House has seen Minnie or touched her. She is a symbol for us, especially after she lost her leg to some animal in the barnyard a few years ago.
Today, we thanked each of the animals in our lives, from Fate and Red to Lulu and Fanny to Chloe and even the sheep. We thought of Simon and Frieda and Lenore and Izzy and Orson and the roosters and the many animals that have challenged us to be patient, taught us how to love gently, opened our hearts and souls up to new experience.
I apologized to the sheep for always showing up with a dog, I told them I couldn’t really love them in the way I could love other animals, but I very much appreciated them and promised to treat them gently and well.
The animals shape my writing, my photography, Maria’s art. They have helped both of us to understand ourselves, learn how to open up and love. They brought me to hospice and therapy work and help me learn to accept life, rather than mourn and lament it.
Whenever this reclusive barn cat sees Maria, she throws her arms around her and hugs for dear life, and Maria, who has known her almost all of her life, returns the favor.
I have grown to love Minnie as well, we had our own cuddle after Maria was done. Minnie has been through a lot and has never lost her gentleness, faith in us or love for us. I think she even loves Fate.
We very much appreciate the animals in our loves, and we are grateful for the gifts they give us every day, from Chloe to Fate and the sheep and Red’s unwavering love and companionship.
In the afternoon, we had a lovely dinner with people whose company we very much enjoyed. We are re-thinking the holidays, building traditions and memories that we can love and recall without pain. We are off to a good start. I have already given Maria all of her Christmas presents, Christmas will be a simple day, free of shopping, discounts, the pressure of gifts or family. We are are building our own holidays anew.