Ken Norman, our farrier and Gil Miller, an equine dental specialist, came to the farm yesterday to work on Lulu and Fanny’s teeth, it is not easy or pretty work, but Lulu and Fanny held up well and behaved. Simon would not have liked this one bit.
Ken is looking great after his double knee replacement, he is actually cheerful, it is great to see the operation so successful. His friend Gil comes around once or twice a year and visits farms with horses and donkeys. The donkeys need to have their teeth filed, or floated. Their teeth can get sharp and dig into their gums and cheeks, which can make eating difficult for them.
We are a bit overdue, we missed last year. When Gil comes, Ken spends the day driving him around, it is a valuable thing. Horses have big jaws and Gil can force his arm into the back of their mouths, keeping them from biting him. The mouths of the donkeys are not as big, Gil has to be more careful.
It is amazing for me to see that people make a living filing down the teeth of donkeys and horses, and we are grateful for that, I imagine Lulu and Fanny were both more comfortable today than they have been in awhile.