Food is life itself for animals, they spend most of their lives looking for it, in the cold months particularly. Feeding time is the most satisfying chore, the most nourishing. All of our stock animals are grazers, but the grass is mostly gone, and what there is has no nourishment. The good hay we provide them offers warmth and energy, it is critical on this bitter cold days in January through March.
Then, we supplement the hay with grain for extra strength and energy in the bitter cold. It is windy today, and getting cold, the sky was beautiful and preening, the animals were especially hungry. Food connects us to them, helps us communicate with them and train them, it teaches them to trust us and pay attention to us. All of our animals know they will get enough to eat, every day, there is no conflict or anxiety about it.
It is a nourishing part of the day for us, usually Maria fills one feeder, I feed the other. When the light is as beautiful as it was today, when the sky suddenly opened,, Maria brings out the hay and i take photos.