One week after she was spayed successfully, Fate returned to work, a gloomy, chilly, rainy, November kind of day, but she brought her own sense of joy and purpose to it. Fate’s stitches were removed yesterday, her infection cleared up instantly, our vet gave approval for work today. Fate nearly exploded out of the gate and tore around like a friend, she badly needed to get back to work, and I concede that I missed it as well.
She was a blur for the first few minutes – I took a video of her return. She was patient and good-natured about her confinement, but she was also going a bit mad. Life returned to normal this morning, I’d like to think she will be resting a lot today, but she wasn’t even panting at the end of the workout.
Every day begins now with my work with Red and the Joy Dog, her enthusiasm is infectious and grounding. Glad to have her back, my heart lifts when I see a dog fulfilling their destiny.