I don’t look back to much on dogs I’ve lost, I’ve never quite grasped the point of it, and I am too busy enjoying and living with the dogs I have. One thing I do miss was Lenore’s presence in my office, she loved to come and sleep on her couch while I was working. Red sleeps at my feet, he doesn’t go up on couches – we don’t permit it – and Fate is generally moving from room to room or chewing something until she drops around 9 p.m.
My office is dark at night, I write by candlelight or an old single bulb desk lamp. I didn’t hear Fate come in, but I heard a sigh behind me and turned around. She had discovered Lenore’s sofa, and was watching me from there. I’m glad to have her there. Lenore loved to be with me when I write. Maybe Fate will come more often.