Fate likes it best when I stand close to the sheep and she pops out right between my legs and pressures the sheep with her eye. My herding instructor friends call this “supporting the dog,” and it does seem to give her much confidence. She is five days away from being spayed, two days away from getting her stitches out. We don’t permit running work yet, but I do let her practice and strengthen her eye – testing the sheep, Jim McRae (our friend and shearer and a sheepherding teacher) calls it. Liam took the bait and came right out to challenge Fate, she didn’t budge, the sent nose to nose with him, and he backed up.
This is critically important for a young herding dog like Fate, and it was a big moment for her. She knows no signs of fear or anxiety, and she shows no signs of just having been spayed either. I was going to crop my legs out of the photo, but then realized what a dumb thing that would have been to do. It is pretty cute when she walks between my legs and goes out to face the sheep. Teamwork, for sure.