Ed Gulley had a good weekend as an artist who is coming out. He spoke at the Open House and sold the first four pieces in his art career. A lot of people loved his work which he calls “junk art.” Today he showed up with some baling wire that reminded him of the rabbit in the old cereal campaign, “Trix Are For Kids.” Ed thinks like that.
We all got to talking and we had an idea. At our Open House next year, we’ll team up with Bejosh Farm. We thought Ed could pair a cow milking demonstration with an art show at his Bejosh Farm. He said he could also make some good hamburgers, courtesy of one of his beef cows. Pasture fed and fresh.
Maria loved the idea, and so do I. I think Ed might consider bringing a couple of cows to Bedlam Farm and doing a demonstration there, and then after the Open House is over, people could go over to his farm. It is worth the trip, filled with cows, art, and all kinds of original sculptures.
The artist in Ed is coming out, Maria and I are both excited to see where his creative spark goes. It is on fire.