Fate was quiet for most of the evening – she was drugged – this morning, when we opened up the crate, she had returned to normal, tearing around the house, hiding her toys, chewing on my arm, eager to get outside. I took her out to the pasture gate, but no sheep for a week or so.
She is game for anything, the cone doesn’t seem to bother her, she hasn’t paid much attention to her stitches, she is, as always, eager to get on with living in he world and having much fun. I’m leaving this to Maria, she once worked in a vet’s office, but we think the cone will come off tonight or tomorrow.
The stitches look great and Fate seems to be her absolutely normal and hype-kinetic self. The sheep will get a rest, and Red seems quite pleased to be working with me alone once more. Somebody messaged on Facebook that Fate looked sad in her cone, but that is, of course, a projection. Fate was having a good time this morning, she found some of our socks in the laundry basket, ferried them secretly to one of her secret hideouts, which turned out to be underneath my desk and hid them in a corner for later study and exploration. She is doing well.