We went to the Cambridge Valley Vet around 5:30 to pick Fate up, the surgery went beautifully, but she was uncharacteristically groggy. The vet wants us to keep a soft or hard cone on her for up to two weeks – this will not happen, I can assure you – but it will stay on for the next few days. Hopefully, Fate will ignore her stitches and we can get the cone off of her. Since we both work at home, we can keep a close eye on her.
We have some pain killers if we need them, they will perhaps keep her from bothering the stitches. It is major abdominal surgery and we are taking it seriously. It will be strange for her not to work for two weeks or chase the sheep, I imagine it won’t be that long, but we’ll see. Fate made a lot of friends at the vet, she and Cassandra bonded.
I appreciate the Cambridge Valley vet, they are courteous and efficient and very empathetic. They thought Fate would be more comfortable at home than in a crate there, and I think that is true. So we interrupt her life for a bit to get her well, another chapter in the life of a dog and their human.
Maria worked as a vet’s assistant, she is comfortable with watching over her and nurturing her, so am I. I’ve been through this many times, and the recovery has always been fast and predictable. I hope that happens here. The stitches come out in a week or so, and then we can get back to work soon after that. Suzanne Farriello, the vet, said Fate was in amazing shape, lean and with very strong and well developed muscles. I’m not surprised, she runs like a rabbit every day.