We dropped Fate off at the vet this morning to be spayed. She’ll be staying there overnight, she’ll undergo surgery around ll a.m. It was hard to drop her off, Fate lives in a state of joy and exhilaration, and this will be her first encounter with some anxiety and pain. We are not worried about the operation, our vet, the Cambridge Valley Vet, is quite competent and the surgery is routine. It is a very good thing to do, for so many reasons, some to do with overall health, one being that we live in the country, and we don’t need an army of stray or un-neutered males running around looking for her when she’s in heat.
We also have no interest in breeding Fate, one is enough.
Dogs have to learn the same things we have to learn – life happens, all the time. Grace comes from the way in which we respond. We are supposed to keep Fate absolutely still for about eleven days, that will be our biggest challenge. Fate is never still, it is not in her genes. I felt this morning as I did when I first dropped my daughter Emma off at school. Dogs are not children, but they evoke some of the same feelings.
I would like to protect her from the world, she is so sweet and trusting. This morning, we are trying to sort out the aftermath of the very wonderful Open House. It always costs a lot more than we think to host them, and we always seem to forget to figure out how to share or recover some of the expenses. Maybe next year. Some people are just not good at handling money, some people are. We seem to discover this every year, year after year.
Time to mention the subscriptions. But don’t get me wrong. It was well worth it, the Open House brings us joy and riches beyond measure. Fate won’t return until tomorrow morning, we have only had her for a few months, but it seems empty without her, she is so full of energy and spirit.
Red will enjoy a peaceful day, I think, and I will enjoy a peaceful day with him. The Open House really wore us both out, today is a transition day. This week, I am determined to finish my book “Talking To Animals.”