The weekend has been an emotional experience on many levels, at many times and in many ways. Ken Norman is our friend and our farrier, but he is much more than that. He is a passionate lover of animals and champion of the people who live with them, work with them and love them.
That is his life, he goes to bat for people caught up in the increasingly frequent and disturbing excesses of the animal rights movement. He was friends with Paul Moshimer, Pamela’s husband, he has helped Joshua Rockwood, the Glenville farmer so unjustly accused of animal cruelty, and too many others to count. He was a great friend and savior of Simon, our late donkeys. Ken very much wanted to meet Pamela, she wanted to meet him.
He has rescued many animals, he is important to so many people.
Ken refused to be paid for his farrier work, he asked that I give the money to Blue Star.
We are all connected, we will either learn to live in harmony and love or we shall perish together. When two heroes of the animal world meet, it is an important thing.