Feels like a next chapter for Maria and I this weekend, we’ve come a long way since our first Open House in West Hebron, N.Y. five or six years ago. The Open Houses are different now, comfortable, much about art and friendship and community and the love of animals and creativity. Lots of people come back every year, lots of new people come.
I imagine that is so because I am different, and Maria is different. These Open Houses are intimate and they feel nourishing and comforting and sometimes, inspiring. Off to Pompanuck Farms for the day-long conference on being creative. Like Walt Whitman said, we can all offer a verse. Life is a big poem.
It is raining hard today, and will all day, the weekend weather will be perfect. A friend of mine who believes you can will anything you wish to come to you – I’ve written about this spiritual idea before – called me last week and said she had looked at the weather forecast and if I wanted, she would wish for sun and make it happen. Hmmm, I joked, I didn’t know you were God.
I told her thanks but no thanks, Mother Earth gets to call those shots, not me, and I didn’t think anymore of it until Wednesday morning, when I ran into a farmer from down the road, and he said he and his wife were praying for rain today, they needed it badly for his fields, his pastor said if they prayed for it then the rains might come.
Of course, I thought, there is no one wish that trumps all of the wishes of everyone else, I don’t wish to be God or play God and if there is a God, he ought to read the news, he has better things to do than worry about rain in my town. Acceptance for me is about the embrace of life as it is given me, not as I might selfishly wish for it. The rain will do us no harm today, our conference is indoors. And tomorrow and Sunday look perfect, that is when the people are coming.
I wish to accept what is offered me.
I leave God’s work to God, and Mother Earth’s to her. She let’s me make my decisions, and she can make hers..