We spent the day at the first Bedlam Farm Creativity Conference at Pompanuck Farms. There were workshops on poetry, fiber art, writing, blogging, singing and photography. It was a tiring day, even a small conference is filled with excruciating details and a lot of work. I taught the writing and blogging workshops, I very much enjoyed them, the audience – all members of the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm – were committed, intense, bright and passionate about their work.
Even in the rain, Pompanuck was a shining star, a beautiful place to be. I loved the conference, but I don’t know if we will do it again next year or not, up against the Open House, which starts tomorrow, it’s intense. We are both pretty wiped, and the main event hasn’t even happened yet.
The Open House looks exciting, clear skies. Lots of art, sheep herding, visits with donkeys and a pony. The shearer is coming tomorrow, the farrier on Friday. There will be poetry readings and talks, big draft horses from Blue Star Equiculture.
The singing workshop serenaded us at the end of the day with a bluegrass version of “Lean On Me.” Sweet. People came from all over the country to meet one another and take part in the workshops. There was a great feeling about it, I pushed hard on the creative impact of blogs and their growing importance to writers. In the morning, we talked about writers.
At dinner, Scott and Lisa Carrino served their increasingly famous pizza. Pompanuck is a great place to retreat to, even in the pouring rain.