The Open House Weekend got underway at Foggy Notions (The Bog) this evening, Maria opened up her studio to some people from the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm, here for a one day Creativity Conference tomorrow at the Pompanuck Farm and Retreat Center, and Red and Fate and I did some sheep-herding. Chloe and the donkeys got a lot of carrots.
It was a beautiful afternoon, a warm afternoon. It is a treat to see people who have become close friends online meet one another in the flesh, a victory for the idea of the safe and supportive online community, something I have been working on for a very long time. We have our ups and downs, but the community is a miracle, it was so great to see them there under the competent care of Kelly, bartender/waitress.
Maria and I had planned to go, but we are swamped tonight, Maria works like a demon on her art show, and I have a lot of work to get done before the weekend.
Kelly is coming to the Open House this weekend too, she is a friend now, a part of our lives, as happens in our town. Red and Fate are exhausted already, the weekend is just beginning. Rain tomorrow, sunny Saturday and Sunday.