I wrote yesterday about shaking up the next couple of weeks so I can finish the three more chapters at the end of my next book, “Talking To Animals.” I am drowning in distractions, some of them pretty big. My freelance editor, Rosemary Ahern, has volunteered to nag and browbeat me to get the book done, and I need her help.
I am re-organizing my day (did you really think I would stop taking photos and blogging? Maybe stop breathing first.) I will post a daily report here in the morning – as I did today – then focus on my book until one or 2 p.m. If I have any juice left, and I usually do, I’ll put up some photos or posts in the evening as well.
It won’t look very different to you, but it will be different for me. The book is due to be turned in in November, and I take deadlines seriously. Today, I am writing my chapter on Joshua Rockwood. It’s calls “Saving Animals.” I’ll check in with you later, and of course, I will share this experience with you. What kind of living memoir would leave this out?
If I follow my schedule and focus I will finish the book in the next two or three weeks. Rosemary will need some time to clean it up before we send it in. I am excited about this book, i don’t believe in big blockbuster books any longer, but that does not mean books are not important. They will always be important to me.