I need help.
I messaged my freelance editor Rosemary Ahern today and told her I needed her to help me finish my book, “Talking To Animals,” due out next year from Simon & Schuster and due next month to my editor there. I love this book, I have been working on it for 15 years, it seems richer, better and more timely to me every day.
I think it is hard for me to actually let go of it, finish it and send it off.
I told Rosemary I need her to give me a deadline, which she did, gracious person that she is.
I told her that I needed for Fate to be less cute and for the sheep go a way.
I need Maria to be less fun to be with, or interesting to talk to,
or sexy in her multi-colored layers and hoodies and odd bracelets and pins.
I need the world to stop being interesting.
And for Blue Star Equiculture to be dull.
I need the New York Carriage HorsesĀ to stop talking to me in the middle of the night.
I need Donald Trump to shut up and stop fussing with his hair.
I need my writing class to be less inspiring and creative.
I need the Round House Cafe to serve boring and tasteless food.
And for my friend Scott to get mad at me for a few days.
And for Battenkill Books to take a vacation.
I need Red to stop mooning at me for walks.
And the donkeys to stop braying at me through the window.
I need to not see anything I want to take a photo of.
I need for the blog to not be so hungry, or so much fun to write on.
I need for people to stop sending me messages telling me what to do.
Or what a cruel and irresponsible person I am. Or giving me advice I don’t want.
I need for the animal rights movement to be less hateful and cruel,
just for a few days.
I need the weather to turn ugly, cold and rainy for a few days.
I can’t do all of these things, said Rosemary, but I’d like to see the next chapter by Monday.
So I need encouragement and support and understanding so I can finish my book.
I seem to need help with that.
So be it.
I have written 28 books, I have never been late with one. I have a plan, I will rise early over the next
few weeks and not even look at my blog until I have a chapter finished. I will keep the world at bay.