After posting this self-portrait, I’m off with Maria to our favorite Vermont Inn, the place where we honeymooned, a special place for us. We’ll be back Wednesday, I’m providing a rest for my head and for yours. The house and animals are in good hands, I am going to work hard at doing something I really don’t know how to do, which is rest.
This is an important year for Maria and for me. We have a lot of important decisions to make about our lives. Change is definitely in the air. The ordeal of selling the first Bedlam Farm was exhausting, it took four years to sell and it took all of our resources and then some to keep it going and pay for it. Lots of lessons there.
The ramifications for us have been enormous and continuing. And draining as well. I will share this as it unfolds, not quite ready to do it yet. Plus there is a lot of work going on at the farm, in our heads, on our blogs, with books and photos and fiberart and classes. Well, you know.
It is great to live a life fully, it is hard work too. I am ever so lucky to be up to my neck in life.
I’ve got some good books to read, and some good music to listen to, a wonderful person to share the time with. The farm and animals are in good hands. Be back Wednesday, my head is screaming at me to give it a break. So is my soul. So I will, and hopefully, give you a break also. Be back Wednesday. I asked Maria if she thought we would ever again take a week-long or two-week vacation. She said it was doubtful.