Our friend Ed Gulley is a dairy farmer, animal lover, family man, agricultural entrepreneur, and folk artist. There is a passionate artist within this hard-working and generous man and it is coming out all over the place. Ed loves his goat Sadie, who is much like a Lab at the farm, she hangs out in the milking parlor and sometimes makes her way into the house to check things out. She wanted to eat my camera. Ed and Carol Gulley are crazy about her, as they are about all of their animals.
It is a well-kept secret in rural America that farmers are the world’s most devoted animal lovers, for many of them, animals are what their lives are really about. A good farmer loves his cows dearly, they are his sustenance and in, a way, his children. Bejosh farm is an arts center in many ways, there are fountains, rock formations, sculptures everywhere.
Ed is a pure outsider artist, he is untrained and creative, he takes the detritus of farms and of life and makes folk creations out of them, Maria is wowed by his work and has invited him to show his stuff at the October Open House. We love and respect Ed, the creative spark burns brightly in him. He is a good farmer, neighbor and friend and he works as hard as I’ve ever seen a human being work, his legs and hands are always covered with bandages and gauze.
Bejosh farm is more fun than Disney World, and a lot cheaper and easier to navigate. Sadie will check out your pockets, do not let our smartphone be too close.