I try and compose my photographs pretty thoughtfully, I wanted to take a photo of the clothesline with some of Maria’s fabric hanging. I am sure there was no cat in Fate’s empty water pool – I was about to fill it up – when I took the photo, I never saw Flo in the picture until I saw it on the computer, and it startled me.
Because when I put the camera down I didn’t see her there either. In fact, I didn’t see her at all before, during or after the taking of this photo. Obviously, she was there, but why? And how did she get in and out so fast? Why would she walk in an empty dog pool, she never comes into the dog are when the dogs are there, and both dogs were over by the fence. How could she vanish so quickly?
Or maybe I am losing it and just not seeing what is right in front of me. Maria says this is what cats do, they appear and disappear, it was just one of those witchy cat moments. I don’t believe in ghosts or psychic transference. Or do I? Maybe she wanted to get onto the blog, Flo gets jealous of the dogs, she has a big ego and sulks sometimes if no one pays attention to her. Perhaps she is trying to send me a message.