I came into the barn this morning to do some chores, and I was startled to see Chloe, our pony, leading on a gate and staring at me. I am just getting to know Chloe, I have not spent much time alone with her. I am surprised at her independence. I thought she would be like the donkeys, but she is not. She is far more independent, headstrong, eager to engage. When she hears me or Maria, she whinnies loudly and comes running. She walks with Maria around the pasture, loves apples, corn cobs, oat cookies. She loves to be brushed and attended to.
I went and got her a cookie this morning, I thought that was what she wanted, but she stayed at the gate, watching me, talking softly to me, calling me to come and pay attention to her, scratch her nose, speak with her. That seemed to be what she wanted.
I am surprised by her affection. She is not like a dog, she doesn’t live to please. But I am learning to talk to her, and learning to listen. Horses are spirit creatures, people are important to them.