A huge pine tree blew down in a wild afternoon thunderstorm, it is a mess near the barn. We were fortunate in many ways. The tree didn’t take the fence down, it landed on a fencepost. It destroyed some temporary fencing and our two Adirondack chairs, it spared our old bird bath, it missed the Dahlia garden, it missed the animals and the barn.
There are hundreds of apples all over the ground, Chloe and the donkeys are at work already. We have some tree people coming in the morning to take a look. The story was intense, I was walking Fate in the town cemetery and I saw the wind come up and we just made it to the car. The winds were breathtaking, so was the driving rain. Mother Earth singing her song to us. Hey, I said, we are on your side.
We are trying to collect some of the apples in baskets, and we aren’t sure how much damage there is to tree. This is the tree that gives us shade and privacy when we sit in the back yard, we will miss it. But we are also grateful we weren’t sitting under it. The sheep are loving the leaves. It was a beautiful storm, in many ways, I got some photos of the aftermath.