Joshua Rockwood, my friend and the Glenville, N.Y., farmer fighting for his existence against what seem to be absolutely ludicrous and unknowing charges of animal cruelty and neglect, tells me he is selling meat – fresh chickens and lots of beef – until 7 p.m. tonight (Friday) and between 10 and 2 p.m. Saturday.
He hopes to sell a lot this weekend, both for freezer space and cash flow. I know most of the people reading this do not live near Glenville, N.Y., a sprawling agricultural/ suburban community between Albany, N.Y. and Saratoga Springs. Joshua keeps sheep, pigs, cows, and chickens on a 90 acre farm. But many people do, and I believe Joshua can ship to many places. You can also call 518 357-3315, or e-mail him at [email protected].
In March, just after one of the worst cold waves in the history of the Northeast, a secret informer called the police to say he was mistreating some of his animals. Joshua’s farm was raided, his three horses seized, he was charged with 13 counts of animal cruelty and neglect.
The police cited him for having an unheated barn, for inadequate shelter for his pigs, for failing to have adequate feed on hand, and for having frozen water streams and bowls. The arrests caused widespread outrage among farmers and the many people who know Joshua treats his animals well, and and who know him to be honest, scrupulous and passionate in his desire to sell healthy food to people. He is an enthusiastic part of the local foods movement, his animals are pasture-fed and range freely on his beautiful farm.
The issue speaks to a number of important questions relating to animals. One is the rise of a secret and unaccountable informer culture (think of the Stasi in East Germany) that has risen to accuse farmers, animal lovers and others of animal abuse. A sacred tenet of the American justice system has been the right to confront one’s accusers. In the new and Orwellian hysteria over animal abuse, you are guilty if you are accused, the informers are protected, not the accused.
Another issue is the disconnection of the police and local governments from the natural world and the animal world – the people accusing Joshua of cruelty seem to know absolutely nothing about farms and animals, including the widely understood fact that few barns anywhere are heated, it is bad for the animals and impractical. There is also the runaway re-definition of what animal abuse is, it seems to increasingly be what people driving by in their cars think it might be. Farmers say they are afraid to leave their cows out in the snow for fear of being raided.
Then there is this Stalinist system of justice – if you are accused, and you may never know the names of the accusers, your animals can be seized, your reputation ruined, your livelihood destroyed and face many months of years of trials, legal fees, hearings and media stories. Very few people survive this process intact, Joshua had 300 people show up at his first court appearance, he has raised some of his fees online. I believe he will survive.
Every farmer I have talked to, every person with a farm, every person who lives with animals rather than pets – farmers, farriers, vets – had said the charges are absurd, the police could have raided any farm in the Northeast during that awful cold and arrested everyone. My own water tanks were frozen for weeks, we hauled water out in buckets to the barn all day. Sometimes, in storms and when the temperature plunged below -20, it took several hours to get fresh heated water out to the animals.
I saw Joshua’s farm and his animals shortly after his arrest, the animals were healthy, active and well cared for.
Two separate veterinarians came to Joshua’s farm at his invitation just before the raid and said his animals were healthy and hydrated. I’ve been to Joshua’s farm several times, talked to him regularly, I know him to be idealist, almost painfully honest and transparent, loving and diligent in the care of his animals, about whom he knows every thing he needs to know.
I believe the arrest is outrageous, a true injustice. Joshua faces tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, he is threatened with the loss of his farm as well as his reputation. He did not lose one animal to the weather, to sickness or to injury during that awful period of cold. The raids on his farm seem to typify the new excesses of the animal rights movement, which has become a rogue militia in many cases, threatening and persecuting animal lovers, people who work with animals like horses, and farmers.
Joshua is awaiting various rulings on legal motions, his actual trial has not yet been scheduled. He was offered a deal and refused it, he says he will not plead guilty to anything he did not do. I believe every word this admirable young man has said to me. I know he is shipping some of his meat to places as far away as New York City, if you live in the area, please consider buying some of his meat and chickens, if you are farther, feel free to contact him and inquire about shipping.
Joshua prides himself on the quality of the meat his sells, his customers are loyal and supportive and very satisfied. You can check out his blog here Or call 518 361-3167. You can also order online. You can e-mail Joshua at [email protected]