10 July

My Intuition Doll

by Jon Katz
My Intuition Doll
My Intuition Doll

Maria popped into my office the other day and handed me a gift, an Intuition Doll. She has been making them in her studio, she thinks of them as something for women, and she is asking people to make their own Intution Dolls and bring them to the October Open House. We will hang them on the barn wall.

Because I seemed interested, she made an intuition doll for me. Maria has been reading about intuition lately, some people contemporary humans are losing the knack of intuition, they are too busy looking things up on Google or following data and probability.  I use my intuition a lot, I would like to use it more.

Some writers and anthropologists believe that intuition – the ability of having direct perception or quick insight – is getting lost among human beings, who are rarely called upon to exercise their own intuition, we live in a world of studies and experts and lawyers. My Intuition Doll may help me use mine more.

I’m not quite sure what to make of this guy. He is well-endowed, wears sneakers and his fingers seemed to have crystals on the fingers. Maria says I tell the truth with my fingers.

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