The doe rushed stricken to the other side,
did not make it there,
oh no, said the man in the truck,
are you okay?
The trooper came up, shouted
at us to get away from the car,
there was smoke,
the doe lay in the road,
a trickle of blood from her mouth,
I did not tell them,
could not, that the deer had become a thought,
and the thought had turned into a beautiful woman,
full of magic and love.
The deer trembled in the road,
brown eyes wide and surprised,
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
I said, my dear, my dear,
may you leave us in peace,
and become a prayer,
may prayer become your beautiful lover,
you will be an angel soon,
and we dragged her to the other side,
where she was so eager to go,
and she trembled and shook one last time,
and became free of this world,
and of the people who had stopped seeing her,
so long ago,
she had been hiding forever.