9 July

From Oklahoma, A Gift For Fate

by Jon Katz
A Gift For Fate
A Gift For Fate

Fate has a houseful of toys and treats and beds and bones, but it was perhaps inevitable that some would come to her from the outside world. She is already a much loved puppy, and she has only with with us for a month or so. She is, in fact, inherently lovable and although I discourage people from sending gifts here – I once had a barn full – this one was from of our friend Nancy Gallimore, a gifted writer, animal lover,  and member of the Creative Group At Bedlam Farm, to send Fate a stuffed sheep.

Fate loved it, dragged it around the yard, tossed it up into the air, began gnawing on it, stalking it and pouncing on it. It will not last long, I fear. “Welcome to the family,” Nancy wrote. “You may not know it but you have a lot of adopted aunts and uncles who adore you. My dogs and I know you are working very hard to become a brave, clever herding dog. We thought this toy would give you extra practice. Much love Nancy and the Okie dogs.”

I always need to be  reminded at times – when a dog comes, when a dog leaves – that my dogs are not mine alone, they belong to a wider world, and no one is responsible for that but me, I write about them, share my life with them, take photos of them. You can’t do that and not expect people to care about the animals who become a part of their lives.

I am happy to share Fate with all of you, she is deserving of it and worth it, just as Rose was and Lenore was and Frieda was and Izzy was and Orson was and Red is. That is our connection, the continuum that shapes our lives and hearts. Fate is a monumental spirit and fierce personality, she is already a great dog and she is just beginning to grow up. She has enriched Maria’s life, she loves being with her in her studio, walking with her in the woods. She is just what Maria hoped for, me too.

The pirate in me loves the pirate in  her. So thanks for the sheep, Nancy, Fate is appreciating it very much.

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