Fate hit Pompanuck Farm like a typhoon this afternoon on her first visit to my friend Scott Carrino. She has never seen water until today. The first thing she did was jump into a goldfish pond, was then shocked to find her feet were not on the ground. Scott had to pull her out. Undeterred, she headed for Scott’s prized vegetable garden and ate an onion – first time I’ve seen Scott terrified. Then she found the big goldfish and catfish pond and she tore aroundĀ it a half dozen times, tried to eat the fish food, went nose to nose with a big catfish, blew bubbles (back to that in a minute) and then climbed out onto a plastic swimming board, which then sailed out into the pond.
Fate froze and had no idea what to do, I called for her to come and she jumped off of the board and made it to the shore.
But the most amazing thing she did was blow bubbles. She stuck her head into the water, and blew bubbles to the surface. IĀ never saw a dog do that or head of a dog doing that. She had such a grand time racing around I put a leash on her and she fell over on my foot and went to sleep. Fate loves Pompanuck, if I can keep her out of the garden she will be welcome back.