This afternoon I felt an impulsion of feeling, I told Maria I needed to go to Blue Star, to see Pamela, to see the horses, but mostly to see the love and passion of the young people who have gathered there to show all of us how to make a new start. She wants to come too.
If you love horses or other animals, your hearts may be aching at all of the hatred and conflict that has attached itself to the love of animals and poisoned the ancient well of connection, tradition and partnership between people and horses. Blue Star is showing us how to get this bond back, how to honor it, a remarkable gathering of young people has come together there, and it inspires and uplifts me just to see them and take their pictures.
I do not mean to romanticize them, I do not know them particularly well, I can’t honestly say I am truly close to a single one of them, although we feel close to each other in the aggregate. I do honor them and feel their power and purpose, they remind me to be open and keep my faith. That is quite a gift. They are the future, the next way, the hope of the world. They stir the heart and open up the soul.
“Yet all is not lost,” Pope Francis wrote recently of our bleeding, hurting world. “Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start.”
In the war against the horses raging in New York City, at Blue Star, on farms and all over our country, we see human beings at their worst, angry and hateful and cruel and ignorant. At Blue Star, we see the future, the next way, we see people at their best, riding above themselves, choosing again what is good. And making a new start.
There, people do not harm people or animals, they heal both and bring them both together, as nature intended, as the history of the world testifies. For many years we came to see animals as dumb beasts of burden, inferior and at our mercy. In recent years, we have come to see them as piteous and abused and dependent, unable even to be permitted to live safely and peacefully with people.
At Blue Star, the Third Way, the New Start. A place that stands for harmony, for truth, for history, for love, for working together in the greatest partnership in the history of the earth. It feels at times like a holy place, for all the very real life that occurs there. Broken people are healed there, and broken animals are saved, both are treated with compassion and dignity. There is no hatred, no conflict, no angry press conferences, no private detectives, secret informers, the detritus of the dirty world that says it speaks in New York City for the rights of animals.
I go to Blue Star to cleanse myself, to dip myself in love and safety, and to feel what Francis feels. We humans can be awful people, we are capable of the worst – just look at the news every morning, or listen to the reports from Washington. I wish to be part of the new start, and anyone can be, go the Blue Star site, or better yet, plan to come and visit the farm and see the possibilities of the future for yourself.
Several weeks ago, Paul Moshimer died, some thought Blue Star’s dream would fail. That has not happened. Blue Star is rising, it is reborn, it’s story and work are just really beginning. The old people have made an awful mess of our world, the young are picking up their brooms and shovels and opening their hearts, and sharing their pure faith. They will save us yet, if we will only get out of the way.
There, at Blue Star, the revolution that must happen if our world is to survive is well underway. Hope and compassion are not on the fringes, they are not ridiculed and brushed aside. They are the point, they are the center. Pope Francis has echoed the warnings of the Native People, the message they say the horses bring. We are at a crossroads, we shall either learn to live in harmony, or we shall perish together.
In the Kabbalah, God warns the people of the world that if they do not care for Mother Earth, respect and love her, he will abandon them, and the world will turn to dust and ashes, the rivers will run dry and the animals will flee, taking the wind and the rain with them.
At Blue Star, they have already gotten the message. Come and see for yourself. Maybe help them out. We will be back home in the early afternoon.