Maria and I are most happy to announce that Mary Kellogg’s third book of poetry, How to Dance was released from A & M Printers this afternoon. There are six copies for sale at Battenkill Books ($15 plus shipping, 518 677-2515) and more will be available for sale at the Open House this weekend, and then, at Battenkill also. After Sunday, Maria will be taking orders for the book on her website, using Paypal. This book will only be sold at Battenkill and through fullmoonfiberart.com.
How To Dance is a beautiful collection of Mary’s poetry, she just gets wiser and more eloquent as she grows older. Mary will be reading from her new book Saturday around 1:30 at the farm. There is some rain in the forecast, especially for Sunday, but the Open House is open for the weekend, we will be open regardless. There are a bunch of my photos in the book as well.
Very happy to see them there. Mary’s story is one of encouragement, she was in her eighties before she showed her work to anyone, and that was me. Maria organized and edited the book. We are very happy to be publishing it. Mary is a wonder and an inspiration. she is just getting started at 85.