My life is series of firsts, and when that stops happening, I’ll know I’m near the end. Today, a herding first, I took Red and Fate out to herd and let Chloe the pony come in also. Chloe is a champ, she is calm and unflappable, when I opened the gate, she came rushing in and Fate ran right between her legs. followed by the sheep, and then Red. Fate had a very great day in the pasture, she is really getting her “come bye” directional down, she stands her ground when Liam or Suzie charge sat her, backing up but not running.
She is lying down easily and reliably (I give this command when she is focused on the sheep) she is less crazed and in a herding trance every day, we are really beginning to work together and understand one another. Red is a stellar partner, he is nearby but neither jealous nor intrusive. So I have herded sheep with donkeys and a horse. Very cool. Fate is a natural, she is already teaching me more than I am teaching her. I just have to put a name on it.