Red and Fate work very easily together, they flank the sheep very naturally, each moving to the opposite side of the other, just as Fate does with me when I stop on the other side of the sheep. This should be done in a training pen, but I don’t have one and Red is so reliable I can use him as a counter-balance and accomplish much the same thing. The sheep are grazing with their heads down near Fate now, which is a good thing. Liam and Susie rush out and try to butt her, she drops down low and they back off, the gets right up and gives them the eye.
She isn’t big enough really handle them yet, so I have to be careful. Red keeps an eye on her too, I have seen a real change in Fate this week, she is beginning to do outruns naturally, today, on command she ran around the sheep and turned them back to me. A very great working day.