Lulu and Fanny are guard donkeys, I got them in the first place to protect the sheep. They will challenge coyotes, stray dogs and foxes if they come into the pasture. Lulu is the true guard donkey, she is ever vigilant, tracking deer, coyotes in the hills, any strange things that come into the pasture.
Here comes Fate, s small but game dog, just four months old. Lulu rushes out to meet her. Donkeys can be rough around dogs, they can even kill them but I had been exposing Fate to Lulu for a couple of weeks, Lulu knew she was a part of the farm, she was often with Red, but she still came out to challenge her, smell her and check her out.
Fate, who is almost recklessly brave, handled it well. She lay down, permitted Lulu to sniff her, avoided eye contact (as Red always did.) Lulu checkedĀ her out carefully, then accepted her. I amĀ impressed with Fate’s good judgement, she is a grounded dog, she handles herself well. and stays calm and professional. She didn’t bark or threaten Lulu in every way, she accepted her presence and authority but didn’t give in, didn’t run away. Her body language said I am not looking for trouble, her demeanor said I am not going away either. These are my sheep, too.