Bedlam Farm is a changing place, there are new things here, new images, new feelings. I love seeing Maria ride on her new pony Chloe, the two of them looks as if they’ve been together for years. Red loves to sit in the pasture if I’m out there and preside over things – it is his farm, really, I am just renting from him. Chloe has fit in beautifully. She is finally permitting the sheep to go into the Pole Barn – sheep can be persistent. She loves the grass out in the pasture, she is already part of our herd, she stays with the donkeys, the three of them are always together, Fanny and Lulu have completely accepted her.
Some days she is easy for Maria, some days she doesn’t feel like riding, ponies have a mind of their own, but Maria persists and gets her way. She is very attached to Chloe, we are grateful to the carriage horses in New York for helping open our hearts and minds to the horse universe. I am grateful to be able to capture the images here, it is a parade of life her, we are rocking our way to life.