This morning, a new paradigm, a new beginning, a horse and two donkeys at the gate. Cloe and the donkeys are growing comfortable with one another, They are all falling under Maria’s loving spell. They each waited patiently together for their piece of carrot. Last night, Chloe chased them around the pasture a bit, and then they seemed to accept one another. Chloe is still giving the sheep a hard time, chasing them away from the Pole Barn. We separated them for a day or so until they get comfortable with one another.
I am a bit nonplussed by this pony, but she is impressive, calm grounded and affectionate. She loves attention, she and Maria seemed to have bonded in their training together. Eli Anita-Norman is a wonderful teacher.
Chloe is a strong presence, no doubt she will be the equine leader here. She is loving the green grass, we will have to manage her consumption, ponies can flounder.
I am trying to figure all of this out, and feel some unease, and I think it is because this is the first animal who has come to the farm that I have not chosen, do not know, have had almost nothing to do with. That is the paradigm shift, I think, and a good and healthy one. This is Maria’s farm too, not just mine, as the first Bedlam Farm was. I urged her to get a horse, it is wonderful to see how happy she is with the horses, how drawn she is to them and how confident she is around them. I would not have thought it a few years go.
When Maria rides a horse, or is near them, she seems to find her true self, her real strength, she feels strong and at peace. That is a beautiful thing.
Chloe is a symbol of our new life together, of Maria’s growth and strength, of her journey to being a horsewoman, a special breed. Maria is and will always be an artist first, that is her soul and her heart, but the horses have called to her, as they have to me.
I like to write about them, feel their messages, understand their history and spirit, Maria wants to know them, touch them, groom them, love them, ride them. I went out into the pasture this morning in my bathrobe just as the sun came up and Chloe came running over to me from the other side of the pasture.
I had a cookie in my pocket for her and she took it and stood quietly next to me, we got to know each other for a bit. I like her, she is a wise and steady soul. I think she is glad to be here. I am so happy for us, for Maria, for the farm. I like paradigm shifts, stasis is the first death.