The horses have entered my life and Maria’s in powerful and unmistakeable ways. The New York Carriage Horses have affected my work, my writing, my friendships, my blog and photography. The horses have helped sharpen and define a new and wiser understanding of animals for me.
They have connected me to the mystical world of Native-American culture. They have entered Maria’s life too, she loves to groom and care for the horses, we are getting a pony, Chloe, this week, perhaps even as soon as tomorrow. Maria has spent the last few months learning to groom and care for Chloe.
When I met Maria, six or seven years ago, I could not have imagined that she would ever climb up bareback and ride a big draft horse a few miles out into a pasture and with woods with confidence and ease. Pamela asked her to join the horses goodbye to Paul Moshimer, and Maria was eager and excited. She was also confident and experienced. She rode alongside our friend, Suzanne Strempek Shea, also a friend of Blue Star.
Luna broke into a trot a few times, Maria gently and calmly pulled her back. I asked her if she was afraid to ride bareback on this big horse. No, she said, not for a minute.
She looked at home and secure on the back of Luna, she helped put flowers in her braids before they rode. My interest in the horses is both spiritual and cerebral. I feel connected to them and their cause, I believe the speak to me all of the time. Maria feels the same way, but her interest is less intellectual and much more personal. She loves to touch, groom and ride them. This began with Rocky, the blind pony we had for a few short years, and expanded as the carriage horses entered our lives and shaped our sense of truth, justice and consciousness.
It was sensitive and lovely that Pamela has encouraged this one shy and fearful human being, she is neither these days. The ride had me in tears, smiling so broadly several people remarked on it. I doubt anyone but me and Maria could have really known what this ride meant, although I bet Pamela knows. Even in her grief, she thinks of others.
So tomorrow a horse comes to live with us again, a new chapter in our lives. I am excited about it, grateful for it. There is nothing in all the world more natural than for animals like horses to be with people. Our goodbye to Paul was sadder than I might have imagined, but as is often the case with death, not only sad. Death often opens the door to life, and Maria’s ride was an affirmation of love and encouragement. People who have both can do almost anything