![Bad Ass Border Collies](https://www.bedlamfarm.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/On-The-Road-Bad-Ass-Border-Collies-944x630.jpg)
We have two bad-ass border collies who balance one another beautifully, Red is calm and smooth and utterly responsive, Fate is rascal with an iron will and a breathtakingly energetic disposition. She is into everything, and usually gets her way. Once in awhile, Red loses it and putts her on her butt, but he seems to love her and is patient and affectionate with her. He has even started to play with her, and that is a first.
Today, a breakthrough after one week, Maria and I and our two dogs went for a mile-long walk on a country road, both of them off-leash. Fate stays right with us, comes when called, sits when asked. We are building a tradition for her, she goes into her crate when asks, sleeps quietly there through the night. I am excited about the possibilities of this dog, so is Maria. She is capable of anything, Karen Thompson has given us a brilliant platform upon which to work. For me, another affirmation of my personal ideas about how to get the right dog for Maria and for me.
Half of it for me is choosing the right dog, getting in this case the right breeder and genetics. The other half is me, or the human. I do not tell anybody else how to get a dog, this is the right approach for me, and Maria agrees, we have gotten one great dog after another, including several adopted ones from shelters.
One week into our life with Fate, her identity is emerging. Very loving, very bright, very responsive, very athletic. Exciting stuff.