Lots of people are sending me messages wondering how Red will fare with Fate. The truthful answer is I don’t know, animals are not predictable. Red is a calm and grounded dog, he is focused on me and on his work, I don’t see that changing. He was around border collies on Karen Thompson’s farm before he came to me, and he is appropriate and easy around other dogs. He was only attacked once by another dog that I know of, and that was recently.
He seems to have forgotten that incident, he’s been with other dogs since and there is no problem. The challenge when a second or third dog is brought into the family is to make certain the first dog isn’t shorted or ignored in all of the excitement.
Red is King of the Hill here, especially since Lenore and Frieda died, so he is used to getting all of the food, treats and attention. That will change with a puppy. On the other hand, Fate will be with Maria much more than with Red or me, so Red will follow his normal routine, and visit his many admirers in the town every day.
Fate will definitely get some attention, but Red is a very adaptable dog, I don’t foresee a problem. He got along fine with Lenore, he even got along with Frieda. I think he will enjoy being around another border collie, dogs are pack animals, I think he will like having a little sister. I predict that Red will teach Fate a lot about behavior, he is a great example for her.
We will give them the space and time to work things out. Older dogs often correct younger dogs with a bark or a growl, it is important to let them work out their issues without human interference. It will be good for Red to see Karen Thompson again. Fate and Red will meet Sunday afternoon.