In the country, the boundary between work, family and friends is always blurred. There is a sense of family here. Kristen Preble, our faithful and hard-working realtor, often brings her daughter Fiona to work with her. Real estate is a business, but it never feels that way with Kristen.
It looks like Bedlam Farm may have been sold to an out-of-state couple. One of them is a writer, this makes me happy. At this point, the proceeds go to the bank, not to me, but if the sale ultimately goes through – there are lots of twists and turns in real estate these days – I will be happy, I know they love the farm and are excited about living there.
The farm as been on the market awhile, it has been quite a ride, I am happy for the farm and for the lucky people who mean to buy it. It is a wonderful place. I am grateful to Kristen for hanging in there us, I can’t imagine how many times she walked up and down that hill and dealt with so many people, many of them obnoxious.
My heart will lighten at the thought of people in that wondrous place, may they thrive and prosper there. A part of me will never leave there, my blood and soul remain on that hill and in that beautiful old farmhouse. I know a writer will be happy and productive there.