This weekend, Red is coming with Maria and I to see Karen Thompson, the breeder who gave him to me three years ago. Since then, Red has changed my life, and brightened the lives of many others. He is a remarkably dedicated and focused working dog, an intuitive and loving therapy dog, a wonderful companion for me, in every aspect of my life.
Karen is eager to see him again, she had this idea we belonged together, she generously sacrificed a dog she adored because she thought he might get to fulfill his great potential more easily in a life with me. Finding a great breeder and human being is one of the best ways on the earth to get a dog. Karen has been breeding dogs for 40 years, and she brings a generosity and spirituality to it, she has that great breeder radar for matching dogs with people.
I am excited to seeĀ her and meet her, and for Red to see her again. Karen’s friend Ginny, who loves Red dearly, is also eager to see him again, she hated to see him go. I love this image of Red watching the sheep as the donkeys practically step on him. He doesn’t care.
There is something immensely satisfying about getting a dog from Karen, we will get a good and healthy dog, but the processes is also infused with a humanity and spiritually that launch the relationship in the most beautiful way. With Karen, it is never about money, it is never a business transaction, it is just what getting a dog ought to be, a beautiful partnership, launched in a dignified and respectful and loving way.
The Gods always shine on that.