A beautiful and important day at the farm, we officially began our rotational grazing, stopped feeding hay and opened up the side pasture this morning so the donkeys and the sheep could eat there, the grass is rich and growing, Red brought the sheep in and watched them, the donkeys feasted on the grass, the animals were happy and excited, so was Maria, who soaked in the scene.
We love our farm, it is the perfect place for us. It is not as grand or grandiose a stage as the first Bedlam Farm, the views are not as spectacular, the pastures not as long or wide, but it is beautiful to us, a classic farmhouse with a lot of pride and history, just write for two middle-aged people in love with one another and with our lives. This was a beautiful sight for us. We closed off the pasture at noon, they can come back in this evening for a few more hours. Twice a day, we are managing our grass.
The Bedlam Farm Open House will be held on June 27-28, Red will do his demos in this field. Poetry readings, good art sold cheap and the draft horses of Blue Star Equiculture will be giving carriage rides. We are psyched. Details on Maria’s events page.