My friend Scott Carrino and Red have a powerful connection, and Scott has been helping heal the wounds in his eye that Red received last Sunday from a dog in Massachusetts. I was shock the other night when Scott held Red and Red seemed to settle, his woulds seemed to heal. It’s hard to describe, but I saw something passing between them. Scott, who now runs the Round House Cafe, is a healer, a former massage therapist and Tai Chi master.
He understands pain and injury, he has experienced it at different times in his life. Red is a healer also, a therapy dog who connects with people in very moving ways. So these two connect, energy passes between them, I see it even if it is hard for me to explain. I have held Red a lot this week myself, I can’t see it, but I feel it. I saw this healing again today, we ran into Scott on the street. Red surrenders to Scott, he leans into him, and it is clear this is a healing process, I am fortunate to be able to see it and to share it.
Animals belong with people, there is nothing more natural in the world than that.